Sunday, February 6, 2011


Isn't it amazing how comfortable and easy it is to be with great friends?  It's a knowing.  A knowing that they are there, a knowing that they understand, a knowing that there is no judgement, a knowing that they love you no matter what.

I was watching Joel Osteen this morning and he was talking about how spirit/source/god...whatever YOU call it has a plan.  It's all mapped out, the good, the bad and the ugly.  Situations, predicaments, people, are all being put in our lives for a purpose.  To challenge us, to make us think, to help us learn, to help us grow. 

I know that all the amazing people that spirit is putting on my path right now are true friends and people that i will love for the rest of my life.  Funny, i'm finally starting to feel like i found that thing i lost so long ago.....

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